Thursday, April 1, 2010
Speaking "Tennessee"....
As Lucy and I were driving to school yesterday morning we had, yet another, very meaningful conversation about life in other countries, languages they speak in Mexico, foods they eat in Italy, etc. Lucy learns a little Spanish in her class and loves to tell me the new words she learns and what they mean. Well her horizons were broadened when she went to stay with my in-laws for a day and learned a new word in a language in which only us southern folks are familiar and fluent. And here is how that conversation went....
Lucy - "Mom, I learned a new word in another language"
Me - "You did? What is it?"
Lucy - "Purdy"
Me - "Purdy? Do you mean pretty?
Lucy - "No MEANS pretty in 'country' "
Me (Laughing) "No sweetie, its just how some people say pretty"
Lucy - "Well where do they speak 'country'? In Tennessee? Poppy speaks Tennessee!!"
And we just left it at that!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cowgirl Champion...
The torture of rolling the hair on rags...

Mad at me for the argument over the boots....obviously she won...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
It's About Time....
A few weeks ago myself and my friend Mycalee took our Hannah Montana obsessed daughters to the Miley Cyrus concert here in Birmingham. As you will see in the pictures below, it was all about glitter, sparkles and of course the right attire. The night before the concert, I went out to find the perfect accessories for Lucy's outfit and came across the icing on the cake.....a child sized, perfectly matching, black and hot pink.......FEDORA!!!! It all came together quite perfectly (in Lucy's eyes) and I thought she was pretty cute too. Olivia, of course, was equally adorable in her scarf and feathered purse.....

I have no idea why these pictures are so small????
WHEW....that is about it. The girls will go to another competition this weekend so I will be back with results....unless I keel over from exhaustion, cheer overload, or too much momma drama in the mean time!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Me and my other half....
What are your middle names?
Ashley and Mark - we both go by our middle names, first names are Rowland and Melissa
♥How long have you been together?
Together about 6 years, Married for almost 5
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
About 5 years!
♥ Who asked who out?
Very long story but it just sort of happened.
♥ How old are each of you?
I was 22 and he was 35 - I know I know!!!!
♥ Did you go to the same school?
Nope, he went to Barry (now Hoover) and I went to Erwin (when it was ok to go there)!!!
♥ Are you from the same home town?
Both from the Greater Birmingham Area but not the same part
♥ Who is the smartest?
Well as he has 13 more years of wisdom than I do, I'd say him!!!
♥ Who majored in what?
I think we both majored in Partying!! Now we major in Parenting!!!
♥ Who is the most sensitive?
ME - Hands down!
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We don't eat out much in Birmingham but when we are in Orange Beach we ALWAYS go to Doc's.
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Probably West Palm Beach
♥ Who has the worst temper?
Luckily neither one of us really has a temper but if I must answer, I'd say me.
♥ How many children do you want?
I want 2 so it doesn't really matter how many he wants....right?
♥ Who does the cooking?
He does. I'm lucky not to burn my Lean Cuisines at lunch everyday. When he is gone that is dinner too!!!
♥ Who is more social?
Me me me!
♥ Who is the neat-freak?
Unfortunately, neither of us are!!
♥ Who is the most stubborn?
Me again, although I'm trying to give in a little more!
♥ Who wakes up earlier?
It depends, when he is fishing he does (they leave the dock no later than 6am every morning). When he's home, I do.
♥ Where was your first date?
On our first REAL date we went to Fox Valley. Mark even wore dress shoes (this is a HUGE deal) and that's when I knew he loved me!! HA!!
♥ Who has the bigger family?
I do. 3 Brothers and 1 Sister. He has 1 Sister.
♥ Do you get flowers often?
I think the last time I got flowers was when I had Lucy (almost 5 years ago)!!!
♥ How do you spend the holidays?
With family!
♥ Who is more jealous?
No jealousy issues in my house. Unless he has chocolate and I don't but most of the time he shares!
♥ How long did it take to get serious?
We went from friends to serious overnight (or at least it seemed that way)!
♥ Who eats more?
He does...he eats EVERYTHING!
♥ What do you do for a living?
He fishes for 6 months and is starting a new "business venture" as we speak. I work for a real estate investment company.
♥ Who does the laundry?
I don't let him do the laundry. EVERYTHING will go in the dryer if he does!
♥ Who’s better with the computer?
Me for sure!
♥ Who drives when you are together?
He does mostly.
♥ What is "your" song?
We don't have a song but if we did I'm sure it would be something like Ray Lamontagne's Three More Days!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Nautical Wheeler....

Friday, October 9, 2009
The past few weeks....

Wow...its been awhile! My world has been pretty much turned upside down in the past few weeks and "blogging" has been the last thing on my mind!! So the readers digest version of whats been going on in Wheeler World is as follows....
Cheerleading practice three nights a week.
Mark came home for a week!!!
Sat through two little league football games in the rain
Went to the Auburn vs. Ball State game and sat in the rain
More cheerleading practice
Work Work Work
Had a great time at the Pumpkin Patch with Amber and her family UNTIL it started raining
Mark went back offshore
More cheerleading practice
Little league game tomorrow (hopefully NOT in the rain but its not looking too promising)
And finally, if my long lost husband returns from his fishing adventure by tomorrow morning, we are off to the Orange Beach Shrimp Festival and will be back on Monday to start all over again!!!
I have lots of pictures to share (eventually) of my cute little cheerleader, the pumpkin patch, and the Auburn game, however, Mark is determined to catch a HUGE tuna this week and took the camera so he could prove it.....which probably jinxed him!!!!!
Maybe one day life will stop getting in my way and I'll have a much better blog!!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Car Talk....
Lucy - Does he do it on the table or just on the floor?
Me - Does WHO do WHAT on the table or floor?
Lucy - When God makes people, does he do it on a table or on the floor?
Me - OOOOH (as if I COMPLETELY understood the question NOW). Actually, He puts a teeny tiny little seed in a mommy's tummy and it grows and grows until its a cute little baby. Then the mommy and daddy go to the hospital and the doctor takes it out.
Lucy - So it grows like a flower?
Me - It sure does
Lucy - Well how does the doctor get it out?
Me - (THANK GOD I had a C-section) Well when you were born the doctor cut a little opening at the bottom of my tummy and took you right out kicking and screaming and you were the cutest fatest little baby and we loved you SOOOOOO much.
Lucy - Well God must have put a medium sized seed in your tummy.
Me - You think?
Lucy - Yeah because I was a BIG FAT BABY!!!!
All I could do was laugh at this point!!! And thank God for putting that particular "medium sized seed" into my tummy!!!! I am so blessed to have the family that I have. If it weren't for the crazy "Wheeler-isms" from time to time, my life would be so very boring!!!