I have finally gotten over not knowing what day it is after the long weekend and while my brain is temporarily unscrambled I thought I would update everyone on the Wheeler/
Wiseman Labor Day Festivities!! First of all let me just say
WAAAAAARRRR EEEEAAAAGGGLLLLLEEE!!!! I didn't realize how much I missed football season and am super happy that we had a Tiger victory since last year those were few and far between!!!
My mom called me last Thursday, at the last minute as usual, and asked if we wanted to take a family trip to
Calloway Gardens in Pine Mountain, GA for the long weekend. Of course we wanted to go. I will never pass up a trip with the family (especially when the parents are paying)!! So we packed up the Suburban and headed east. As we set out on our "Griswold" adventure the first fight was over what movie to watch. The choices were Hannah Montana, which everyone IMMEDIATELY booed (except for Lucy of course). Lucy started yelling at Ryan telling him he never lets her do ANYTHING and he gave her a long drawn out story about how it was a special DVD player and kid
DVD's didn't work in it but promised he would watch it with her when we got there (yeah right). Surprisingly she bought that load of crap and then we continued the argument. No I couldn't agree to watch the best of Will Ferrell because who knows what Lucy would come away with after that, NO we couldn't watch
Superbad for the same reasons. Finally we decided on
DodgeBall which I know isn't exactly "mommy approved" but hey, it got the 26 year old uncle Ryan, 23 year old Aunt Emily, 20 year old Uncle Josh, 4 year old Lucy and myself quiet for at least a little while!!`I think, after raising five children, my mother is now deaf to stupid arguments in the back seat! My dad decided that he would follow us on his Harley therefore my mother drove at least 25 miles UNDER the speed limit the entire way. This of course fired everyone up and had them moaning about how long it was taking. I think I even heard a few "are we there
yet's" and NOT out of Lucy's mouth. FINALLY we arrived (four hours later thanks mom). First we went to the beach where they had enormous slides and rock wall type things in the middle of the lake. We all ran like
kindergartners to the playground out into the water wanting to see who could be the first to the top. Josh was the first, Ryan eventually made it up, there was absolutely no hope for Lucy myself or Emily. You would have to be Superman to climb these things. After awhile Lucy and I gave up while Emily was so determined to get up the floating 30 ft high rock wall she never quit (but never made it either). Next we went to the pool for a few cocktails and relaxation after what felt like a few hours of The Biggest Loser in the lake! Later that night we went to see the Hot Air Balloon Festival, grilled out, sat on the back porch to watch Lucy entertain us with cheers and dances, had a few more cocktails, got yelled at by the kids in the next Villa to shut up, the boys yelled a few choice words back and we went to bed. The next day we headed to the Wildlife Safari and let me tell you, it is SO MUCH FUN. We fed the giraffes, zebras, ostriches and other animals. We also found that Pine Mountain Georgia is all about free love in the animal kingdom. We saw
Ligers (lions mixed with tigers) and
Zorses (zebras mixed with horses) and I think I saw a Unicorn on the way out!!! The rest of the time we just hung out, laughed harder than any of us had laughed in awhile, argued like old times and had one of the best Labor Day weekends EVER!!! I really hate my husband and Uncle Phillip (who is 32 and lives in Portland, OR ) couldn't make it, we sure did miss them!!!
I do have pictures....TONS of them. I just haven't had a chance to deal with all of that yet!!!!